Recent Patents on Corrosion Science

2010, 2 : 1-5
Published online 2010 January 15. DOI: 10.2174/1877610801002010001
Publisher ID: RPTCS-2-1

Electrochemical Mechanism of Nickel and Zinc-Nickel Alloy Electrodeposition

T. Vasilache , S. Gutt , I. Sandu , V. Vasilache , G. Gutt , M. Risca and A.V. Sandu
Romanian Inventors Forum, Iasi, Str.Sf.P.Movila 3, L11, III/3, RO 700089, Romania.


The mechanism of electrochemical deposition of nickel and zinc-nickel alloy was described as in actually science literature. To prove practically the proposed mechanism, it was used as interesting effect which consists in an increase of the deposited mass more than Faraday law predicts. Nickel was deposited and zinc-nickel alloy was codeposited using a potentiostat-galvanostat Parstat 2273 coupled with an Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance (EQCM). The mass distribution of deposited metal and alloy was monitored during the process, together with electrochemical parameters (potential, current density, and temperature). The electrodeposited layers were characterized with SEM-EDX techniques. A mathematical relation referring to the process was proposed in order to describe the evolution of mass electrode versus time in the first step of the electrodeposition.


Nickel, Zinc-Nickel alloy, Electroplating, EQCM, SEM-EDX.