Recent Patents on Corrosion Science

2010, 2 : 22-33
Published online 2010 February 18. DOI: 10.2174/1877610801002010022
Publisher ID: RPTCS-2-22

Corrosion Preventive Strategies as a Crucial Need for Decreasing Environmental Pollution and Saving Economics

A.A. El-Meligi
National Research Centre, Physical Chemistry Dept, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.


It is important to protect the environment by decreasing and controlling all causes, which damage and pollute the society, and affect the economy. Different hazards such as industrial pollution, transportation accidents and damage, radioactive pollution, water pollution, petroleum pollution…etc) occurs all the time. Corrosion is considered one of these causes because it can damage everything of materials, which are used to construct cars, water pipeline systems, bridges and buildings, petroleum constructions (e.g. pipelines, refineries)…etc. The Corrosion of materials cost the national income of developed countries (GDP) losses of 3-4%. Every year, billions of dollars are spent on capital replacement and control methods for corrosion infrastructure. Preventing corrosion is a crucial need to protect the environment and the economy. Accordingly, better corrosion management can be achieved using preventive strategies in nontechnical and technical areas. Therefore, many environmental protection legislation raised to prevent using the environmentally unacceptable materials such as the use of chromium salts is now restricted because chromium (Cr+6) is highly toxic and carcinogenic. Rare earth elements can replace the chromium salts as corrosion inhibitors. Environmentally friendly compounds used in coating process are used to avoid the harmful effects of the currently used compounds.


Materials corrosion, preventing corrosion, environmental pollution, environmentally corrosion inhibitors.