The Open Astronomy Journal

2010, 3 : 76-93
Published online 2010 June 3. DOI: 10.2174/1874381101003010076
Publisher ID: TOAAJ-3-76

Covariant Gauge Invariant Theory of Scalar Perturbations in f(R)-Gravity: A Brief Review

Sante Carloni
Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC) Campus UAB, Facultat Ciències, Torre C5-Par-2a pl E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) Spain.


I review the state of the art of the investigation on the structure formation in f(R)-gravity based on the Covariant and Gauge Invariant approach to perturbations. A critical analysis of the results, in particular the presence of characteristic signature of these models together with their meaning and their implication, is given.


Perturbations theory, Modified gravity.