The Open Astronomy Journal

2013, 6 : 20-47
Published online 2013 July 26. DOI: 10.2174/1874381101306010020
Publisher ID: TOAAJ-6-20

Study of Possible Local Quasars and Search for a Quasar-Stellar Connection. III. A Sample of 341 QSOs

Kiril P. Panov
Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomcal Observatory, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria.


A new sample of 341 possible local QSOs are presented, which are in the vicinity of low redshift galaxies. Physical characteristics of the sample quasars are determined and previously reported relations are confirmed: density - redshift, absolute mag – radius, absolute mag – mass, mass – radius, mass – luminosity, and mass – density. These relations seem to support the basic assumptions that quasars are single, compact objects, with dimensions close to their respective gravitational radius. Redshifts of quasars are dominated by a gravitational redshift component, and the gravitational redshifts seem to be quantized according to the Karlsson – sequence. Evidence is found in favour of the Arp's evolutionary scenario: QSOs are ejected from their respective parent galaxy and evolve as they recede, building new small mass companion galaxies. Evidence is found that in the course of evolution the quasar density and redshift decrease, while dimensions and luminosity increase. Relation luminosity – density is found in the sense that more dense quasars are less luminous.

Simple linear density equation is found, which seems to apply to quasars, but also to stars and may be even to planets, providing a possible link between these seemingly very different structures in the Universe. Evidence is found of possible increase of quasar mass and luminosity with increasing distance to about z=0.03. The physics behind all these processes and relations remain unclear, but a revival of the old Ambartsumian's hypotheses seems possible, suggesting disintegration of an unknown primordial dense matter. The properties of quasars may invoke the need for deeper changes in our current theories. Most fascinating seems the possibility that a link may exist between quasars and stars.


Active galaxies, Quasars, Gravitational redshifts.