The Open Applied Linguistics Journal

2008, 1 : 42-45
Published online 2008 July 14. DOI: 10.2174/1874913500801010042
Publisher ID: TOALJ-1-42

Beyond the Handbook: The Influence of L1 in the Language Classroom*

Nancy Mae Antrim
Sul Ross State University, USA.


Many handbooks of English grammar (Heath Handbook, The Bedford Handbook for Writers, various editions) include a section for ESL problems. The two major areas that are addressed involve the use of articles and verbal forms and tenses. While these are critical areas of grammar that are problematic for ESL students, there are a number of other areas that influence ESL student writing that are not addressed. Drawing on written work submitted by Spanish dominant speakers enrolled in university level English classes, this paper explores areas that contribute to inappropriate word choices by non-native speakers writing in English. ESL teachers need to be aware of the underlying reasons for inappropriate word choices and spelling errors made by these Spanish speaking students in order to better address these problem areas. This paper addresses only four (pronunciation, connectors, prepositions, and verbal expressions) in an effort to expand on the limited discussion of ESL problems addressed in a variety of grammar/writing handbooks, if in fact the handbooks do contain an ESL section.