The Open Complementary Medicine Journal

2013, 5 : 1-10
Published online 2013 February 22. DOI: 10.2174/1876391X01305010001
Publisher ID: TOALTMEDJ-5-1

Consanguineous Marriages in the Middle East: Nature Versus Nurture

Bowirrat Abdalla and Armaly Zaher
Clinical Neuroscience & Population Genetics. EMMS Nazareth-The Nazareth Hospital Nazareth, Zip code: 16100, Israel.


Family is societal institution that is conceptualized as “Vital” and “Valid” its importance is emphasized by social conservatives across cultures. Consanguinity is usually socially motivated and can be genetically harmful; it is a state of being descended from a common ancestor. It has been practiced by many societies around the globe from time immemorial, and a part of most civilizations as far back as the Old Testament of the Bible, and in the Arab world before the emerging of the Islam, and therefore, it is not monopoly where Islamic faith prevails.

We scrutinize the effect of consanguinity on family health, its benefits and its detriments, and how should be tackled on medical and policy levels. We also pursue the Islamic attitude and discourses on the marriage custom, law, ethics and principles. Attention is then drawn to the cultural influences and challenges in the Arab word.


Consanguineous Marriages, Family Health, Arab word.