The Open Anatomy Journal

2010, 2 : 34-36
Published online 2010 April 2. DOI: 10.2174/1877609401002010034
Publisher ID: TOANATJ-2-34

Ectopia Cordis in a Male Holstein Friesian Calf

S Shirian, *,1 , A Oryan1 and M.R Samadian2
1 Department of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
2 Esfahan Ghiam Farm, Esfahan, Iran

* Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran; Tel: 00987112286950; Fax: 00987112286940; E-mail:


A male Holstein Friesian calf affected with superior cervical ectopia cordis was examined macroscopically and histologically to assess the severity and elucidate other anomalies. This calf died 10 minutes after birth. The heart was round, weighed 380gm, was enveloped in the pericardium, and situated in the swollen part of the ventrocervical region underneath the skin. Inside the spacious pericardial cavity, the heart was characterized by a duplicated and cranioventral apex. The heart was Histologically normal. The cranial vena cava and vena azygos were also duplicated. The sternum was short, especially in the body and xyphoid process. No other anomaly was seen in association with this case.


Ectopia cordis, heart, Holstein calf, congenital development.