The Open Andrology Journal

2009, 1 : 10-19
Published online 2009 June 09. DOI: 10.2174/1876827X00901010010
Publisher ID: TOANDROJ-1-10

Identification of Intracisternal A-Particle Like Element as an FSH Regulated Transcript in Immature Rat Sertoli Cells

Chitra Lekha Dahia and Addicam Jagannadha Rao
Department of Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India.


Sertoli cells under the influence of Follicle Stimulating Hormone are known to provide a microenvironment for the growth and differentiation of germ cells. Follicle Stimulating Hormone regulates proliferation of Sertoli cells only during the early neonatal period and during adult period it regulates functional parameters like Transferrin, Androgen binding protein and other factors needed for germ cell differentiation and how this is achieved is not known. In an attempt to understand the differential action of Follicle Stimulating Hormone on the Sertoli cells, we employed the approach of neutralization of endogenous Follicle Stimulating Hormone in neonatal rats for a very limited period and study the effect on the regulation of gene expression by Differential Display RT-PCR analysis. One of the transcripts was found to be down regulated following neutralization of endogenous Follicle Stimulating Hormone in the neonatal rats and it shared identity with Intracisternal A particle element, an endogenous retrovirus. Often integration of Intracisternal A particle into host genes and its regulation result in growth factor independence suggesting a role in proliferation. Interestingly, the expression of Intracisternal A particle transcript is not regulated by Follicle Stimulating Hormone in the adult rat Sertoli cells suggesting a possible reason for stimulation of proliferation of Sertoli cells by Follicle Stimulating Hormone only in the neonatal rats.