The Open Automation and Control Systems Journal

2013, 5 : 174-180
Published online 2013 December 27. DOI: 10.2174/1874444301305010174
Publisher ID: TOAUTOCJ-5-174

One Dimensional Simulation of DMFC Performance Using Direct Monte Carlo Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm

Wen-bin Zhang , Chun-guang Suo , Hua Wang and Jian-ming Chen
Faculty of Science, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, China.


In order to determine the working conditions for direct methanol fuel cell and to gain higher performances, two one-dimensional, steady-state numerical models have been presented to evaluate the performance of direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) using Matlab. Genetic algorithm and direct Monte Carlo algorithm have been employed to determine the optimization operation conditions of the DMFC. The cell maximal power density has been predicted via the genetic algorithm. ComparinG with the direct Monte Carlo algorithm, the genetic algorithm has been found to be more efficient and useful.


Simulation, One-dimensional model, Direct Monte Carlo Algorithm.