The Open Automation and Control Systems Journal

2014, 6 : 1378-1388
Published online 2014 December 31. DOI: 10.2174/1874444301406011378
Publisher ID: TOAUTOCJ-6-1378

Large Scale Terrain Real-Time Rendering on GPU Using Double Layers Tile Quad Tree and Cuboids Bounding Error Metric

Ying Yang , Chunfang Wang , Yuyu Gao and Jingwei Xing
LiRen College of Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao, Hebei, 066004, China.


Improving terrain tile data selection efficiency, real-time loading of visible tile data and building GPU-based continuous Level of Details (LOD) are the key technologies for large scale terrain rendering on GPU. In this article, in order to reduce terrain tile data selection time, we build double layers tile quad tree for massive terrain data and organize tile data by designing Z-order space filling curve. According to the visible region coordinates obtained by GPU offscreen render to texture, we realize real-time loading of visible tile data from CPU to GPU. Map visible tile quad tree into twodimensional texture on GPU making full use of the characteristics of GPU multi-channel parallel processing. In order to execute tile error metric computation and LOD selection on GPU, we design GPU-based cuboid bounding unsaturated error metric, reduce CPU computational burden and enhance the terrain rendering performance. Experiments show that our algorithm can improve the utilization rate of GPU in the terrain rendering and achieve a good visual effect and a high frame rate.


Terrain , double layers, tile quad tree, cuboid, error metric, GPU.