The Open Automation and Control Systems Journal

2014, 6 : 194-199
Published online 2014 December 16. DOI: 10.2174/1874444301406010194
Publisher ID: TOAUTOCJ-6-194

Application of Data Envelopment Analysis to Efficiency Evaluation on R&D Input and Output

Rongping Li , Yuanjie Li and Zheng Cui
School of Economics & Management, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang, China.


As the role of economic development, science and technology got more and more get people's attention, the efficiency of R&D input also gradually becomes the focus of political and academic discussion. This paper expounds the principle of data envelopment method, and then builds an evaluation index system of the efficiency in R&D input and output of the research and development institutions (R&D institutions) based on DEA method, after reading related literatures at home and abroad. Using related data of Chinese 30 provinces (lack of Tibet) R&D institutions to verify the established model, namely, measuring and analyzing output efficiency, input redundancy and output deficiency of Regional R&D institutions in China R&D input, and concluding the regional characteristics of R&D activities. The evaluation Index system of regional R&D institutions of our country not only has important guiding significance to the efficiency evaluation, and the results of the validation research also is of great significance to clear R&D institutions development goals, improve configuration of R&D resources, and improve the level of their scientific research ability.


Conclusions and recommendations, expenditure structure, investment in R&D, optimized measuring, utility function.