The Open Automation and Control Systems Journal

2015, 7 : 1434-1439
Published online 2015 September 30. DOI: 10.2174/1874444301507011434
Publisher ID: TOAUTOCJ-7-1434

Adhesion Characteristics Analysis of Wafer Transfer Plane Based on the Acceleration Adjustment

Lei Shen , Fang Song , Yigang Hu and Tao Chen
School of Laboratory of Intelligent Control and Robotics, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, 201620, P.R. China.


As a key element of the semiconductor industry, efficient and stable transmission of the wafer has a very high demand for the wafer transfer manipulator. At present, the wafer transfer robots (SCARA-type, R-θ type) are widely used in IC manufacturing equipment. These transfer robots can only achieve the wafer movement along the plane and will not be able to change the attitude of the wafer movement during the wafer transmission. Due to the structure of the restrictions, the acceleration of the wafer transmission can only be achieved by the frictional force of the wafer itself in a vacuum environment. This transmission mechanism determines that it is difficult to further increase the acceleration of the wafer transmission and therefore it also affects the wafer transmission efficiency. Thus, from the microstructure adhesion mechanism, the attitude of the wafer transfer manipulator is proposed in this paper. The corresponding model is established and the acceleration characteristic is analyzed. It is of great theoretical significance to improve the efficiency of wafer transmission by this means.


Wafer Transfer, Pose Adjustment, Acceleration, Microstructure.