The Open Automation and Control Systems Journal

2015, 7 : 1476-1481
Published online 2015 September 30. DOI: 10.2174/1874444301507011476
Publisher ID: TOAUTOCJ-7-1476

Real-time Error Control Research Over Internet Communications

Wang Chunping and Chen Keming
School of Mathematics and Computer Science, XinYu University, JiangXi, 338004, China.


With the development of computer technology and Internet technology, more and more real-time error control principles are implemented. Based on research of error control technology, In this thesis, we implement data packet’s coding and decoding based on Reed-Solomon code through looking chart; and emulate the real-time error control systems that use error control methods of FEC and FEC/ARQ. Experiments results prove that coding and decoding based on Reed- Solomon code through looking chart can improve the efficiency of coding and decoding, and experiments results also validate the FEC and FEC/ ARQ error control methods, that are based on the Reed-Solomon code, have fine characteristics and fine real-time, and decrease the code error ratio by 5 % at least, at the same time, develop the data reliability and satisfy the QoS constraints.


Code Error Ratio, FEC (Forward Error Correction), FEC/ARQ (Forward Error Correction/Automatic Repeat Request), Real-Time Error Control, Rs(Reed-Solomon) Code.