The Open Automation and Control Systems Journal

2015, 7 : 1808-1812
Published online 2015 October 20. DOI: 10.2174/1874444301507011808
Publisher ID: TOAUTOCJ-7-1808

The Analysis of Network Public Opinion Monitoring Management System Based on B/S Architecture

Li Yan
Åbo Akademi University, P.O. Box 311, FIN-65101 Vasa, Finland.


Public opinion monitoring system takes advantage of the search engine technology and the network information mining technology, through the contents of the Web page such as automatic acquisition and processing, sensitive word filtration, intelligent clustering and classification, topic detection, thematic focus, statistical analysis. For these contents, every unit needs to be under the network of public opinion supervision and management system and its practical value is eventually formed as a result of public opinion presentation, public opinion, the special report, analysis report, and decision layer to have a comprehensive grasp of public opinion trends, which provides a correct guidance for the public opinion measurement, and supplies the basis for the analysis. A public opinion monitoring system has been introduced in this paper, which is based on the dynamic kernel with the structure of B/S for the demonstration in the form of the software system. Combined with the actual market demand, it works through the effective technology of theoretical medicine and the implementation of a professional development team so as to ultimately achieve the goal of monitoring and control system of public opinion.


Network public opinion, monitoring management system, B/S architecture.