The Open Autoimmunity Journal

2009, 1 : 27-32
Published online 2009 March 25. DOI: 10.2174/1876894600901010027
Publisher ID: TOAUTOJ-1-27

In Vivo Localization of Fas-Associated Death Domain Protein in the Nucleus and Cytoplasm of Normal Thyroid and Liver Cells

Léa Tourneur , Alain Schmitt and Gilles Chiocchia
Institut Cochin, Département de rhumatologie, INSERM U 567, 27 rue du Faubourg Saint-Jacques, 75674 Paris Cedex 14, France


FADD (Fas-associated death domain) is the main death receptor adaptor molecule that transmits apoptotic signal. Recently, FADD protein was shown to be expressed both in the cytoplasm and nucleus of in vitro cell lines. In contrast to the cytoplasmic FADD, the nuclear FADD was shown to protect cells from apoptosis. However, in vivo subcellular localization of FADD was still unknown. Here, we demonstrated that FADD protein was expressed in both cytoplasmic and nuclear compartment in ex vivo thyroid cells demonstrating that nuclear sublocalization of FADD protein was a relevant phenomenon occurring in vivo. Moreover, we showed that in the nucleus of untransformed thyroid cells FADD localized mainly on euchromatin. We confirmed the nuclear localization of FADD in ex vivo liver and showed that in this0 organ FADD and MBD4 interact together. These results demonstrate that FADD is physiologically expressed in the nucleus of cells in at least two mouse organs. This particular localization opens new possible role of FADD in vivo either as an inhibitor of cell death, or as a transcription factor, or as a molecular link between apoptosis and genome surveillance.


Fas-associated death domain, Thyroid, Cellular localization, Nucleus, MBD4.