The Open Bone Journal
2015, 7 : 1-13Published online 2015 January 21. DOI: 10.2174/1876525401507010001
Publisher ID: TOBONEJ-7-1
The Fate of a Total Talar Allograft to Treat Traumatic Talar Enucleation, Fifteen Years after Transplantation in Teenage Patients
Department of
Rehabilitation, University Hospitals Brussels, campus Brugmann, Arthur
Van Gehuchten-plein 4, 1020 Brussels, Belgium.
The authors describe two cases of post-traumatic loss of the whole talus treated with a total talar allograft with a follow-up of fifteen years.
In one case sizing of the graft was difficult, necessitating the resection of a middle segment of the talar dome. In this case after eight years the talar dome collapsed in height for one third. In the second case where we didn’t have these problems of sizing, survival of the graft after fifteen years was seen. In both cases active revascularization as shown with bone scintigraphy was still going on after this time. Although both patients have a stable ambulatory hindfoot, the functional outcome was poor in both cases.