The Open Behavioral Science Journal

2009, 3 : 28-33
Published online 2009 June 23. DOI: 10.2174/1874230000903010028
Publisher ID: TOBSJ-3-28

Alcohol Consumption Predicts Violent Victimization, Impulsive Decision Making Predicts Violence

Simon C. Moore and James Foreman-Peck
Violence & Society Research Group, School of Dentistry, Heath Park, Cardiff University, Cardiff, CF14 4XY, UK



First, to assess whether perpetrators of violence are also more likely to be victims of violence in a sample of drinkers who socialize in a city centre night-time economy. Second, to test whether extent of alcohol use and impulsive decision making, both associated with violence and violent injury, are associated with violence and victimization equally.


A cross-sectional street survey conducted in an area characterized by a high density of licensed premises collected data on socio-economic status, gender, alcohol consumption, impulsive decision making and whether respondents had been victims of violence or had perpetrated violence. Impulsive decision making was assessed using a delay discounting task with hypothetical monetary rewards.


Data from 271 female and 294 male respondents who regularly socialized in the local night time economy were available for analysis.


Perpetrators of violence were more likely to be victims of violence; impulsive decision making predicted violence whereas alcohol consumption and the frequency that respondents visited the night time economy predicted victimization. Men were more likely to be perpetrators of violence than women.


Heavy alcohol consumption in areas densely populated with licensed premises increases the likelihood of victimization and perpetrators of violence are more likely to disregard the future consequences of their action. Measures that either reduce the impact of drunken behavior or reduce excessive alcohol consumption will reduce alcohol related harm.


Violence, victimization, alcohol, discounting.