The Open Catalysis Journal

2009, 2 : 40-44
Published online 2009 March 17. DOI: 10.2174/1876214X00902010040
Publisher ID: TOCATJ-2-40

Polytungstozincate Acid: A New and Efficient Catalyst for the Synthesis of Xanthenes Under Solvent-Free Conditions

Amini Mostafa Mohammadpour , Fazaeli Yousef , Yassaee Zahra , Feizi Shahzad and Bazgir Ayoob
Department of Chemistry, Shahid Beheshti University, G.C., Tehran 1983963113, Iran.


Polytungstozincate acid was prepared from sodium polytungstozincate and after formulation, Na3H9[WZn3(H2O)2(ZnW9O34)2], was used as an efficient catalyst for the synthesis of xanthene derivatives under solventfree conditions. The simple experimental procedure, short reaction times (40-120 min.), and excellent yields (81-94%) are the advantages of the present method.


Xanthenes, solvent-free, polyoxometalate acid.