The Open Cancer Journal

2012, 5 : 1-2
Published online 2012 May 3. DOI: 10.2174/1874079001205010001
Publisher ID: TOCJ-5-1

Cancer Pain Managment with a Venom of Blue Scorpion Endemic in Cuba, Called Rhopalurus Junceus “Escozul”

Di Lorenzo L. , Palmieri Chiara , Cusano Antonio and Foti Calogero
Rehabilitation Unit Rummo BN Hospital Doctorate Program, Rehab Med Tor Vergata University Rome, AO RUMMO Benevento, Italy.


During the management of cancer pain sometimes patients ask for alternative, unusual, non recognized approaches. Last year we followed a cancer patient treated with an active substance that is the venom of blue scorpions endemic to Cuba, called Rhopalurus junceus “Escozul” that experienced an unexpected total pain relief with a good recovery of muscle strength, vital energy and capacity to cope with daily activities such as meal, walking and interacting with relatives and caregivers. Researchers' working on the blue scorpion venom published preliminary data online referring of postulate antitumoral activity in human tumors in vivo and analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative activities in experimental models in vitro and in vivo but unfortunately actual available clinical data are not results coming from recognized Randomized Controlled Trials supervised by appropriate IRB regulatory bodies but in a recent paper published on Toxicon in July 2011 Garcia-Gomez et al. describe the first general biochemical, molecular and functional characterization of the venom. What it is sure is this venom certainly warrant further investigation.


Escozul, cancer pain, pain relief, gastrica cancer, rhopalurus junceus.