The Open Corrosion Journal

2010, 3 : 38-44
Published online 2010 May 06. DOI: 10.2174/1876503301003010038
Publisher ID: TOCORRJ-3-38

Corrosion Behaviour of Metals in Artificial Sweat

R. Josep Rathish , S. Rajendran , J. Lydia Christy , J. Lydia Christy , B. Shyamala Devi , S. Johnmary , M. Manivannan , K. Rajam and P. Rengan
Servite College of Education for Women, Thogaimalai-621313, Tamil Nadu, India


Human sweat comes in contact with a number of consumer products. This results in a variety of undesirable effects such as corrosion and malfunction. Corrosion behaviour of three metals, namely, mild steel (MS), galvanized steel (GS) and SS 316 L in artificial sweat (the ISO standard ISO 3160-2) has been studied by polarization study and AC impedance spectra. The study reveals that the decreasing order of corrosion resistance is SS 316 L > MS > GS.


Corrosion of metals, artificial sweat, SS 316 L, mild steel.