The Open Criminology Journal

2010, 3 : 1-8
Published online 2010 January 22. DOI: 10.2174/1874917801003010001
Publisher ID: TOCRIJ-3-1

Gender and Criminal Victimization in Barbados

David Achanfuo Yeboah and Farley Brathwaite
Queensland Health, Australia, 2/9 Naver St., Middle Park, QLD 4074, Australia.


The interrelationship between gender and criminal victimization has been well document in the literature for various jurisdictions around the globe. This article examines these interrelationships for Barbados, and provides a synthesis of evidence to support the general notion in the literature that gender is related to fear of crime, types of crime and impact of criminal victimization. The study found that gender was a very good predictor of fear of crime, criminal l victimization and the impact of crime, while explaining substantial proportions in the variance in those variables. The study concludes that differences in criminal victimization and gender exist in Barbados and that the gender of victims determines their fear of crime as well as the impact of criminal victimization.