The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal

2017, 11 : 119-133
Published online 2017 December 29. DOI: 10.2174/1874110X01711010119
Publisher ID: TOCSJ-11-119

Quantum Path-Integral qPATHINT Algorithm

Lester Ingber, *

* Address correspondence to this author at the Lester Ingber Research, Ashland, OR, USA; Tel: 15417081898; E-mail: ingber



A path-integral algorithm, PATHINT used previously for several systems, has been generalized from 1 dimension to N dimensions, and from classical to quantum systems into qPATHINT. Previous publications applied qPATHINT to two systems developed by the author, in neocortical interactions and financial options. Also, previous publications using classical PATHINT have developed a Statistical Mechanics of Neocortical Interactions (SMNI) that has been fitted to EEG data under attentional experimental paradigms. Classical PATHINT also has been published demonstrating development of Eurodollar options in industrial applications.


A study is required to see if the qPATHINT algorithm can scale sufficiently to further develop real-world calculations in these two systems, requiring interactions between classical and quantum scales. A new algorithm also is needed to develop interactions between classical and quantum scales.


Both systems are developed using mathematical-physics methods of path integrals in quantum spaces. Supercomputer pilot studies using resources tested various dimensions for their scaling limits. A simple modification of qPATHINT permits cloning code from 1 dimension to N dimensions. For the neuroscience study, tripartite neuron-astrocyte-neuron Ca-ion waves are propagated for 100’s of msec. For the financial options study, all traded Greeks are calculated for Eurodollar options in quantum-money spaces.


The mathematical-physics and computer parts of the study are successful for both systems. A 3-dimensional path-integral propagation of qPATHINT for both systems is within normal computational bounds on supercomputers. The neuroscience quantum path-integral also has a closed solution at arbitrary time that tests qPATHINT.


Each of the two systems considered contribute insight into applications of qPATHINT to the other system, leading to new algorithms presenting time-dependent propagation of interacting quantum and classical scales. This can be achieved by propagating qPATHINT and PATHINT in synchronous time for the interacting systems, which is a future set of studies.


Path integral, Quantum systems, Neuron astrocyte interactions, Multiscale modeling, Financial options, Supercomputer.