The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal

2008, 2 : 185-191
Published online 2008 June 6. DOI: 10.2174/1874110X00802010185
Publisher ID: TOCSJ-2-185

Simulating the Hip and Knee Behavior of a Biped by Means of Nonlinear Oscillators

Armando Carlos de Pina Filho
Graphical Engineering Department, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 21949-900, Rio de Janeiro/ RJ, Brazil.


Nervous networks in the spinal marrow are capable to produce rhythmic movements, such as: swimming, jumping, and walking. These specialised nervous systems are known as central pattern generators (CPGs). Nonlinear oscillators can be used in control systems of locomotion as pattern generators similar to the pattern of human gait, providing the approach trajectories of the legs. The objective of this work is to present the simulation of the biped gait using a central pattern generator formed by coupled nonlinear oscillators. Using nonlinear oscillators with integer relation of frequency, the transient motion and stable limit cycles of the network formed by oscillators were determined, showing the behavior of the hip and knee angles. Modification of the step length and gait frequency can be obtained by means of the change of few parameters in the oscillators.


Biped gait, central pattern generator, oscillators.