The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal

2014, 8 : 1091-1098
Published online 2014 December 31. DOI: 10.2174/1874110X014080101091
Publisher ID: TOCSJ-8-1091

Upper Bounds on Inefficiency of Taxed Stackelberg Network with Cross- Nested Logit Assignment

Minghua Zeng and Yinsong Wang
School of Railway Tracks and Transportation, East China Jiao Tong University, Nanchang 330013, P.R. China, and School of transportation Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, P.R. China.


Upper bound of efficiency loss is a valuable issue for transport network design and planning. This paper initially explores it in a taxed stochastic traffic network whose equilibrium flow pattern is deduced by a cross-nested Logit (CNL) flow assignment model, and a centrally controlling Stackelberg strategy. With the assumptions of separability, nondecreasingness, and convexity of the link time function and the fixed origin-destination (OD) demand of network, the equivalent variational inequality for a CNL-based stochastic user equilibrium (CNL-SUE) model is established and first used to obtain upper bounds on Stackelberg network inefficiency. Further, for low-degree link time function such as Bureau of Public Roads and the affine forms, their inefficiency upper bounds are analyzed with some meaningful results.


Cross-nested logit, price of anarchy, stackelberg, stochastic user equilibrium, tax scheme, transportation.