The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal

2014, 8 : 239-247
Published online 2014 December 31. DOI: 10.2174/1874110X01408010239
Publisher ID: TOCSJ-8-239

An Efficient Certificate-based Verifiable Encrypted Signature Scheme Without Pairings

Rufen Huang and Qiang Nong
College of Computer Science, Minnan Normal University, Zhangzhou, China, 363000.


The verifiable encrypted signature is one of the basic fair exchange protocols. There are important applications, such as e-commerce and other cryptographic protocols. We incorporate the verifiable encrypted signature into the certificate-based signature to propose an efficient certificate-based verifiable encrypted signature scheme in the paper, which does not require any bilinear pairing operations. Then we analyze the scheme’s security under the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem over a finite field. The analytic results show that our proposed scheme is proven secure, and our scheme simplifies the management of certificates and solves the problem of private key escrow. Compared with the other existing secure verifiable encrypted signature schemes, our certificate-based verifiable encrypted signature scheme provides greater efficiency and greatly reduces the cost of computation and communication, and achieves the same security level as other existing verifiable encrypted signature scheme.


Certificate-based signature, discrete logarithm problem, ECC, provably secure, random oracle model, verifiable encrypted signature.