The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal

2014, 8 : 29-39
Published online 2014 September 16. DOI: 10.2174/1874110X01408010029
Publisher ID: TOCSJ-8-29

Two-phase Automated Software Measure Approach - From Class Diagram Design to Object-Oriented Metrics

Yang Liu , Hu Zhigang , Long Jun and Liu Yufei
Central South University, School of Software, Changsha. Hunan, China.


Object-Oriented Metrics (OOM) is important for the Object-Oriented software. However, it is too difficult to measure the metric point values of OOM manually, and it is also too late to measure them after Object-Oriented programming. This paper presents an efficient two-phase automated software measure approach to generate OOM results automatically. In the software design phase, the corresponding XMI file is extracted from the class diagrams, which are designed to present the classes and their relationships of an Object-Oriented system. Therefore, some measure results of OOM can be directly generated from the class diagrams by designing algorithms of analysing the XMI file. In the software programing phase, other measure results of OOM can be generated from the source codes and the XMI file of the systems automatically. Experimental results with class diagrams show that the proposed approach gives the correct measure results of OOM efficiently.


Automated software metrics, class diagram, object-oriented metrics, software measure, software metrics.