The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal

2014, 8 : 667-675
Published online 2014 December 31. DOI: 10.2174/1874110X01408010667
Publisher ID: TOCSJ-8-667

Application and Research of Kinect Motion Sensing Technology on Substation Simulation Training System

JunFeng Li , Shan Xiong and Feng Gao
Beijing Kedong Electric Control System Co., Ltd, Beijing, 100192, China.


The coming forth of kinect technology has enabled trainers to control cruise and operation in 3D scene by their action, but this technology is not applied to electric power training field yet, as this field includes many electric devices and operation regulations. This paper firstly described the electric operation regulations as one set of operation patterns by using finite state machine technology, subsequently matching the operation information gained by a kinect device to these patterns by using the Dynamic Time Warping algorithm, so that the action type of trainer can be recognized. At the same time, this paper discussed the control of the cruising velocity of a virtual man in 3D scene by enabling action synchronization of the trainer and the virtual man, and the control of the display affect of collision by adjusting the attributes of Unity visualization objects when the virtual man operates an electric device. So, trainers have been immersed into 3D scene of substation and have gained deeper training effect.


Dynamic time warping (DTW), Kinect, Pattern matching, Training simulator for substation, Virtual man.