The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal

2015, 9 : 1820-1826
Published online 2015 October 8. DOI: 10.2174/1874110X01509011820
Publisher ID: TOCSJ-9-1820

The Advantage of Network Multimedia in Physical Education Teaching Compared with Traditional Teaching

Huang Qi and Xiaowei Zou
Department of Physical Education, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural Universtiy, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang, China.


The use of multimedia technology has improved the sports skills as well as the quality of thinking, and has played a significant role in the enhancement of the teaching principles. Use of multimedia technology optimizes classroom teaching, changing the physical education teaching from concept to form, in turn promoting quality education. This article is based on the related issues of multimedia applied to physical education teaching exploration, mainly studying the meanings and characteristics, using the principles in physical education teaching.. Therefore, multimedia courseware is produced based on the pattern which explores the sports technology courses teaching and the production rules and methods of multimedia courseware. Through application in teaching, five advantages of using multimedia courseware teaching are explored suggesting that multimedia courseware teaching should have three different levels of software and hardware conditions.


Application methods, multimedia technology, sports technology teaching, traditional teaching.