The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal

2015, 9 : 236-242
Published online 2015 April 17. DOI: 10.2174/1874110X01509010236
Publisher ID: TOCSJ-9-236

Load Balancing Algorithm of Switched Dynamic Iteration

Chen Yansheng , Wu Zhongkun and Ren Jiangtao
Guangdong Industry Technical College, Guangzhou, 510300 P.R. China.


In order to reduce business latency and packet loss rate, to improve the throughput of integration of heterogeneous wireless network, to achieve load diversification and to improve end quality of service, while there are many problems on the dropout rate of the traditional load balancing algorithm in processing throughput, delay and business, therefore, gateway load balancing algorithm is proposed in this paper. All terminals in the access network can reflect the effectiveness of the average network load level of the network; this algorithm will gain weight of the load in the network of small business terminal to switch to the network load which is light. First, it defines the heterogeneous networks and network terminal payoff function utility functions which are used to characterize the experience and network QOS terminal load situation, and then presents the specific processes of the gateway load balancing algorithm. Finally, switching decisional load balancing algorithm, proposed by Yan X, etc. is compared with simulation experiments and it shows that: the proposed gateway load balancing algorithm has strong robustness to achieve network load balancing and to achieve a balanced use of network resource.


Efficiency, loading differences, real-time business, switching decision.