The Open Diabetes Journal

2009, 2 : 44-47
Published online 2009 July 2. DOI: 10.2174/1876524600902010044
Publisher ID: TODIAJ-2-44

GRK2-Deficiency Reduces Insulin Activation of ERK1/2 and Mitogenesis in Mouse Liver FL83B Cells

Gulnar Shahid and Tahir Hussain
Department of Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Houston, 521 Science and Research Bldg 2, Houston, TX 77204, USA.


We have reported that G protein coupled receptor kinase-2 (GRK2) negatively regulates insulin receptor signaling leading to glycogen synthesis in mouse liver derived FL83B cells. Since insulin is a potent cellular growth hormone, present study investigated the effect of GRK2 on insulin-stimulated MAP kinase pathway leading to mitogenesis. Specific GRK2 siRNA was used to knock-down (>90%) GRK2 in FL83B cells. Effect of insulin on ERK1/2 activation and [3H]-methyl thymidine incorporation were determined in GRK2 siRNA-treated and control cells. Insulinstimulated ERK1/2 activation was attenuated in GRK2-deficient as compared to control cells. Basal and insulinstimulated [3H]-methyl thymidine incorporation, a measure of mitogenesis, was lower in GRK2-deficient cells. The data suggest that GRK2 may have positive regulatory role in insulin-stimulated MAP kinase pathway and mitogenesis. The present study together with our earlier report on insulin-induced glycogen synthesis indicates a dual role of GRK2 in insulin receptor signaling/function.