The Open Electrical & Electronic Engineering Journal

2014, 8 : 19-26
Published online 2014 July 25. DOI: 10.2174/1874129001408010019
Publisher ID: TOEEJ-8-19

Web-based HW/SW Codesign Automation of an 802.16 Channel Codec

Ching-Shun Chen , Chi-Yang Liao , Chih-Jen Hsiao , Yuan-Wen Huang , Hsing-Chi Fang , Li-Shin Huang and Hsi-Ju Chen
Department of Electrical Engineering, Da-Yeh University, 168 University Rd, Dacun, Changhua, Taiwan 51591, ROC.


The intelligent web-based systems had been developed for various applications such as conceptual design, rapid prototyping manufacturing, and supply chain planning. On the other hand, hardward/software (HW/SW) codesign is commonly used methodology for digital-system design. Noteworthy, our previous work had carried out in order to develop a web-based HW/SW codesign framework with implementation of a JPEG encoder [1]. Design of an 802.16 codec with the web-based HW/SW codesign automation is further performed in this work. The 802.16 codec designed by C program language is compiled with MS Visual C++ 6 to verify its correctness at first. The ANSI C design of an 802.16 codec is further transferred into the developed web-based codesign framework, which utilize web servers, CGI programs (in C or PERL), GCC compiler, SPIM simulator, and Cadence EDA tools. In about seventy working minutes, the respective design of a MIPS-like processor (hardware) in TSMC 0.18 μm VLSI layout with machine code (software) is going to be automatically accomplished in the web-based codesign framework. The full detailed HW/SW design is capable to be automatically e-mailed return to remote user for further application. In the web-based codesign framework, the MIPS-like processor is designed by using alogrithmic state machine and Verilog hardware description language. In addition, the HW/SW design of an 802.16 codec is verified with using a Xilinx FPGA development board for this study.


802.16, HW/SW codesign automation, MIPS.