The Open Electrical & Electronic Engineering Journal

2014, 8 : 573-579
Published online 2014 December 31. DOI: 10.2174/1874129001408010573
Publisher ID: TOEEJ-8-573

Digital Printing of the Thin Film Sensor with Sharp Edge Based on Electrodynamics 3DP

Li Na , Yang Jiquan , Cheng Jihong and Qian Weixing
Jiangsu key Laboratory of 3D Printing Equipment and Manufacturing, Nanjing, 210042, China.


We present a digital voltage printing regime for high-speed and high-precision Micro-jet printing. The voltage pulse peak induces a very fast Micro-jetting mode from the nozzle for a short duration, while a low voltage is picked to ensure the sharp edge, and the high voltage is picked to ensure the printing speed. The conducting films were assembled on electrode arrays of substrate and characterized with respect to their layer thickness and thermal properties. Through an optimal choice of the digital frequency dynamically, a jet-printing regime with a specified droplet size and droplet spacing can be created in different steps. High spatial resolution can also be achieved by properly coordinating the pulsing with large and small current. The edge burr problem was solved by using the dynamic control of the droplets sizes and jetting rapid through the pulse signal. The sensor was printed using heterogeneous material model. Sensor recovery time, response linearity and sensitivity were all significantly improved using the digital pulse regime fabrication.


3DP (Three Dimension Printing), Micro-jet, Digital Manufacturing, Printed Sensor.