The Open Fuels & Energy Science Journal

2009, 2 : 40-46
Published online 2009 July 16. DOI: 10.2174/1876973X01002010040
Publisher ID: TOEFJ-2-40

Upgradation of High Sulfur NE Region Indian Coals by Pyrolysis in Presence of Hydrogen

Abdul Ali , N.K. Srivastava , S.K. Srivastava , R.N. Goswami , R.S. Yadav and S.K. Hazra
Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Digwadih Campus, P.O. FRI, Dhanbad-828108, Jharkhand, India.


In order to utilize high sulfur (3-6%) coals in various industries which otherwise cannot be utilized directly or even as a blend, studies on pyrolysis of four high sulfur NE regions Indian coals viz. 60ft Tikak, 20ft Tikak, Surupi and Bapung coal from Makum Coalfields of Meghalaya in presence of hydrogen were carried out at 9000C. The steam was generated by heating waste water followed by its super heating in the steam zone at a temperature of 400±50C. Hydrogen was produced from this super heated steam, copper-iron scrap reaction at 9000C in the promoter zone. This hydrogen was passed into reaction zone where high sulfur coal was kept at 900±50C. It was found that a reduction of about 58.7 – 91.1% in organic sulfur and 75.7 – 93.8% in inorganic sulfur (pyrites + sulfates) leading to total sulfur reduction from 68.6 – 90.2% was achieved. After reduction in sulfur on pyrolysis, the low sulfur coke/char thus formed can be used directly as such in case where the coke/char has about 1% sulfur or the same may be used as a blend with low sulfur coke/char in different industries giving value addition to the coal.


NE region coal, pyrolysis, hydrogen.