The Open Endocrinology Journal

2008, 2 : 9-15
Published online 2008 August 22. DOI: 10.2174/1874216500802010009
Publisher ID: TOEJ-2-9

Type 1 Diabetes Versus Type 2 Diabetes/Metabolic Syndrome, Opposite Extremes of an Immune Spectrum Disorder Induced by Vaccines

John Barthelow Classen
Classen Immunotherapies Inc., 6517 Montrose Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21212, USA.


There is an epidemic in children of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome including individual diseases that form the components of metabolic syndrome. The epidemic resembles the epidemic of type 1 diabetes in children which has been linked to immunization. The epidemic of obesity in US children has a statistically significant positive correlation with the number of vaccine doses recommended. There is a similar trend with both hypertension and metabolic syndrome. The incidence of type 2 diabetes in Japanese children decreased significantly following the discontinuation of the BCG vaccine, a vaccine which is associated with an increased risk of type 1 diabetes. This paper describes two aberrant responses to immunization. At one extreme immunization leads to progressive autoimmune diseases including type 1 diabetes. A second response to immunization, and an opposite extreme to autoimmunity, is for the body to suppress the immune system through increased cortisol activity and other counter measures leading to type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Some vaccine recipients may have a mixed response, falling between the extremes, such as an incomplete autoimmune disorder or an intermittent autoimmune disorder. The propensity to develop a particular response relates to race. Japanese children produce large amounts of cortisol following immunization and have lower risk of type 1 diabetes but higher risk of type 2 diabetes than White children. Analysis using Austin Bradford-Hill criteria for causation support a causal relation between immunization and metabolic syndrome. Additional studies are needed to further characterize this risk.


Vaccines, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes.