The Open Emergency Medicine Journal

2010, 3 : 27-31
Published online 2010 October 12. DOI: 10.2174/1876542401003010027
Publisher ID: TOEMJ-3-27

Challenging Ultrasound Diagnoses

Stephen A. Shiver and Matthew Lyon
Medical College of Georgia, 1120 15th Street, AF-2056, Augusta, GA 309812-5800, USA


Bedside ultrasound is a useful tool to the clinician evaluating a possible emergency medical condition. The use of ultrasound by clinicians, from emergency physicians to surgeons to family practice physicians, is increasing. With increased use, unusual or unexpected findings will occur. The clinician-sonographer should be aware of the potential limitations as well as the possible incidental findings inorder to effectively integrate ultrasound into clinical practice. This case series demonstrates three interesting discoveries during the clinical use of ultrasound.


Bedside ultrasound, Clinical ultrasound, Emergency ultrasound, Liver biopsy, Abdominal hemorrhage, Aortic dissection, Molar pregnancy, Vaginal bleeding.