The Ergonomics Open Journal

2015, 8 : 57-66
Published online 2015 July 28. DOI: 10.2174/1875934301508010057
Publisher ID: TOERGJ-8-57

A Holistic Approach to Improving the Musculoskeletal Health of City Bus and Long-Distance Bus Drivers

Paula Kärmeniemi , Nina Nevala , Arto Reiman and Irmeli Pehkonen
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Topeliuksenkatu 41 a A, FI-00250 Helsinki, Finland.



To compare the work-related and lifestyle factors that support the musculoskeletal health of city bus (CB) drivers and long-distance bus (LDB) drivers, and to find solutions for improving drivers’ health.


The participants were 62 bus drivers (aged 34-64 years). Data were gathered using a questionnaire, interviews and a workshop. Altogether 27 CB and 35 LDB drivers responded to the questionnaire, and four drivers were interviewed.


The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) was higher among the CB drivers than among the LDB drivers. The difference was statistically significant (p<0.05) for shoulder pain. The CB drivers more often reported awkward neck postures than the LDB drivers, whereas the LDB drivers performed manual lifting tasks more frequently. The CB drivers were more often exposed to psychosocial load factors and unhealthy lifestyle factors than the LDB drivers. The LDB drivers rated the usability of bus cabs as better than the ratings of the CB drivers.


The needs of both LDB and CB drivers must be considered when ergonomic interventions and a holistic approach are applied in bus trade companies. There is a need for ergonomic bus cabs; good maintenance of buses and work equipment; development of work organization; and training on work ergonomics, lifestyle, and work content issues.


Bus drivers, ergonomics, holistic approach, lifestyle, musculoskeletal health, usability.