The Open Forensic Science Journal
2012, 5 : 13-22Published online 2012 March 2. DOI: 10.2174/1874402801205010013
Publisher ID: TOFORSJ-5-13
Sequencing of mtDNA in Shed Hairs: A Retrospective Analysis of Material from Forensic Cases and a Pre-Screening Method
Department of Immunology,
Genetics and Pathology, Rudbeck Laboratory, Uppsala University, S-751 85
Uppsala, Sweden.
e 25 cases (64%). Thus, sequencing of mitochondrial DNA was informative in many cases in this data set. In addition, we conducted an initial evaluation of a strategy for estimating the mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA contents of plucked and shed hair samples. The strategy is based on staining both the nuclear DNA and the mitochondria, and may be useful when trying to identify an optimal DNA profiling approach for a given hair sample.