The Open Horticulture Journal

2014, 7 : 1-5
Published online 2014 February 7. DOI: 10.2174/1874840601407010001
Publisher ID: TOHORTJ-7-1

Increased Antioxidant Activity, Despite Reduced Rosmarinic Acid Accumulation in Methanolic Extracts, of Spearmint () Plantlets Regenerated

Dani Fadel , Spiridon Kintzios , Athanasios S. Economou , Georgia Moschopoulou and Helen – Isis A. Constantinidou
Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Agricultural Biotechnology, Agricultural University of Athens, 118 55 Athens, Greece.


One hundred spearmint (Mentha spicata) plantlets were regenerated from apical shoot segments of ten fieldgrown donor plants. Although the accumulation of rosmarinic acid and total phenolics in vitro was almost half than in vivo, regenerants demonstrated a tenfold-higher hydrogen peroxide compared to the donor plants. This finding may have been associated with the increased activity of hydroxyphenylpyruvate reductase, a key enzyme of the phenolic biosynthetic pathway and the increased production of yet unidentified phenolic compounds in vitro. This process of in vitro culture associated with a reduction of rosmarinic acid and total phenolics and with an increase of the antioxidant capacity indicated the possible promotion of in vitro-specific biosynthetic pathways.


L., antioxidant activity, regeneration, phenolics, rosmarinic acid.