The Open Hydrology Journal

2012, 6 : 1-14
Published online 2012 June 12. DOI: 10.2174/1874378101206010001
Publisher ID: TOHYDJ-6-1

Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in an Outermost EU Region: The Case of Azores Archipelago

J Virgilio Cruz , Dina Pacheco , Sergio Costa , Carla Melo , Raquel Cymbron , Regina Nogueira and Antonio G Brito
CVARG - Centre of Volcanology and Geological Hazards Assessment Departament of Geosciences University of Azores Apartado 1422 9501-801 Ponta Delgada Portugal.


The Azores Water Plan (AWP) came to force in year 2003 in order to provide a coherent set of measures to protect and enhance water resources in the archipelago. The AWP was developed according to EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) and a close relationship can be found between goals on both documents. The evaluation of results associated to AWP implementation, made possible through a consultation procedure described in the present paper, provides an indirect assessment of the implementation of the WFD in an EU outermost region such as the Azores. The analysis suggests that major constrains to the full implementation of the AWP and WFD are associated with administrative arrangements, reflected in a lack of coordination, as well as adequate funding and cost recovery and strategies for public participation and information provision. Instead, water quality monitoring is already fully operational showing a strong relationship between science and water policy.


Water resources, EU Water Framework Directive, Regional water planning, Azores, EU outermost regions.