The Open Hypertension Journal

2014, 6 : 12-17
Published online 2014 April 18. DOI: 10.2174/1876526201406010012
Publisher ID: TOHYPERJ-6-12

Health Attitudes and Beliefs Among Hypertensive Subjects: A Study of the Hellenic Atherosclerosis Society

Evangelos Polychronopoulos , Ekavi N. Georgousopoulou , Tonia Vassilakou , Christos Pitsavos , Christina Chrysohoou , Vassilios Athyros , John Goudevenos and Demosthenes B. Panagiotakos
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece.


Introduction: Health attitudes and beliefs have long been associated with lower risk of various diseases, better compliance to medication and less likelihood of relapsing. The aim of this work was to study health beliefs and attitudes of hypertensive subjects in relation to the management of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors. Methods: The Hellenic Atherosclerosis Society ran a project where during 2006-2012, 10,141 individuals (39 ± 15 years, 47% men, i.e., 0.01% of the Greek population), from all areas of the country, were voluntarily enrolled and participated into a face-toface interview that gathered information about their beliefs and attitudes on diet, smoking and physical activity, as well as management of CVD disorders. Results: Self-reported prevalence of hypertension was 16.7% in men and 13.2% in women. Hypertensive subjects had lower educational level than non-hypertensive (11 ± 5 vs. 13 ± 4.5 years of school, p<0.001). Hypertensive participants as compared to normotensive seemed not to accept that unhealthy diet which consists of a major CVD risk factor (16.2% vs. 23.1%, p<0.001); and they believed more in the effect of pharmaceutical medication than in healthy lifestyle. Conclusion: There is need for more effective health strategies in order to convince people, especially those with cardiometabolic disorders, on the importance of the modifiable CVD risk factors.


Attitudes, cluster analysis, health beliefs.