The Open Hypertension Journal

2015, 7 : 14-18
Published online 2015 April 29. DOI: 10.2174/1876526201507010014
Publisher ID: TOHYPERJ-7-14

Assessment of Renalase Activity on Catecholamines Degradation

Janete Quelhas-Santos , Benedita Sampaio-Maia , Fernando Remião , Paula Serrão , Isabel Soares-Silva , Gary V. Desir and Manuel Pestana
Nephrology and Infectious Diseases Research and Development Group, INEB & Hospital de S. João EPE, University of Porto, Alameda Prof. Hernâni Monteiro, 4200-319, Porto, Portugal.


Renalase was recently described as a new flavoprotein that functions as FAD/NADH-dependent oxidase and, in contrast to other monoamine oxidases, is secreted into plasma and urine. Recombinant renalase was found to exert powerful and rapid hypotensive effects when administered intravenously on rats and this was suggested to be mediated by circulating catecholamines degradation. However there is no concrete evidence that directly supports the hypothesis that renalase metabolizes catecholamines. In this study we aimed to evaluate the catecholamines-degrading renalase activity by three different technical approaches: 1) Amplex Red Monoamine Oxidase Assay, which evaluates the rate of resaruzin reduction by renalase oxidative activity; 2) assessment of catecholamines consumptions by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) with electrochemical-detection (ED) and 3) assessment of product formation by HPLC with photodiode array-detection (DAD). Using the Amplex Red MAO Assay, all three catecholamines were degraded by recombinant renalase overtime, being adrenaline the preferred substrate, followed by noradrenaline and dopamine. In addition using HPLC-ED, it was observed the consumption of all three catecholamines by recombinant renalase, which were oxidized to the correspondent aminochromes, as observed by DAD. However the role of renalase as catalyzer of aminochromes production is still undefined. In summary, the data presented in this study propose by different methodologies the involvement of renalase in catecholamine metabolization.


HoAminochromesments, catecholamines, monoamine oxidase activity, renalase.