The Open Law Journal

2008, 1 : 16-22
Published online 2008 July 14. DOI: 10.2174/1874950X00801010016
Publisher ID: TOLAWJ-1-16

The Legal Treatment of the Parental Rights and Obligations of Sperm Donors

A. Jamie Cuticchia
Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, Duke Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy, Duke University School of Medicine, USA.


The increasing availability and use of donor sperm for artificial insemination along with the changing definition of family has created a new and evolving area of law. Where sperm donation initially was a completely anonymous procedure, there is increasing interest both in the progeny of artificial and insemination to learn more about their donor father. This has largely been driven by advances in the Human Genome Project and a better understanding of genetics, family history, and disease. Additionally, studies have shown a rapid increase in the desire of sperm donors to know more about their offspring. Singe women who wish to have children as well as lesbian couples are more likely to seek donor sperm from men with whom they have some existing relationship. In these cases, the actions of the donor can have significant impact on the obligations that such donors may incur as such as financial support.