The Open Law Journal

2013, 5 : 1-9
Published online 2013 June 14. DOI: 10.2174/1874950X20130528001
Publisher ID: TOLAWJ-5-1

The Role of Eyewitness Testimony in Exonerations: An Archival Study

Avraham Levi and Joseph Levi
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Law, 33 Palyam, 97890 Jerusalem


This paper deals with two issues related to exoneration cases: On the one hand, it examines the relative number of lineups used as the method of identification that resulted in mistaken identifications and false convictions. On the other, it compares eyewitness error as a cause of false convictions with other common causes. The original intent of the study was to concentrate only on the first topic. After defining some of the terms used in this paper, we will first outline our interest in the first issue, and then explain the widened focus of the paper.


Exonerations, false convictions, eyewitness error, lineups, prosecution misconduct, false testimony.