The Open Mathematics Journal

2009, 2 : 12-15
Published online 2009 March 17. DOI: 10.2174/1874117400902010012
Publisher ID: TOMATJ-2-12

Tensor Products of the Gassner Representation of The Pure Braid Group†

Mohammad N. Abdulrahim
Department of Mathematics, Beirut Arab University, P.O. Box 11-5020, Beirut, Lebanon.


The reduced Gassner representation is a multi-parameter representation of Pn, the pure braid group on n strings. Specializing the parameters t1, t2,...,tn to nonzero complex numbers x1,x2,...,xn gives a representation Gn (x1,...,xn): Pn → GL (Cn-1) which is irreducible if and only if x1...xn ≠ 1.We find a sufficient condition that guarantees that the tensor product of an irreducible Gn (x1,...,xn) with an irreducible Gn (y1, ..., yn) is irreducible. We fall short of finding a necessary and sufficient condition for irreducibility of the tensor product. Our work is a continuation of a previous one regarding the tensor product of complex specializations of the Burau representation of the braid group.


Braid group, Pure braid group, Gassner representation.