The Open Marine Biology Journal

2009, 3 : 112-124
Published online 2009 December 31. DOI: 10.2174/1874450800903010112
Publisher ID: TOMBJ-3-112

Evaluation of the Black Sea Land Based Sources of Pollution the Coastal Region of Turkey

Levent Bat , Oylum Gökkurt , Murat Sezgin , Funda Üstün and Fatih Sahin
Sinop University Fisheries Faculty 57000 Sinop, Turkey.


The Black Sea receives large quantities of unregulated and uncontrolled fresh water with drawl for irrigation purposes, hydro and thermal power generation and the use of coastal areas for permanent human settlements; shipping; and untreated domestic, industrial and agricultural wastes drain into the sea via the rivers or directly. In spite of this, research on the heavy metal pollution in marine biota of the Black Sea is limited.

This review prepared to be informed of the urban sewage pollution loads and heavy metal concentrations of Turkish coasts of Black Sea. The urban sewages and heavy metals currently effective in Turkey coasts of the Black Sea so as to bring up the levels of land based sources of pollution with rivers and streams in the sea. The Black Sea has a special importance because of its being a sea that receives two large rivers, Kizilirmak and Yesilirmak and in this investigation we can show that Yesilirmak has higher amount of discharge then other rivers. This investigation was carried out with indicate to determine the aid of land-based sources and marine activities to the Black Sea, bringing up its present state.

Total chrome and cadmium concentrations are higher then other heavy metals streams and rivers because of high amount of industrial discharges. The data presented in investigation on the heavy metal contamination of marine organisms were different depending on pollution sources, element and species. According to the evaluation of inventories, the results are rising year by year.


Black Sea, marine pollution, heavy metal.