The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal

2014, 8 : 279-284
Published online 2014 September 16. DOI: 10.2174/1874155X01408010279
Publisher ID: TOMEJ-8-279

Laminated Structures and Measurement of Magnetostriction for Transducer Applications

Qinghua Cao , Dingfang CaoChen , Quanguo Lu , Jianwu LuYan , Gang Tang and Zhifang Zhu
Intertek Hi-tech Development Zone, Tianxiang Road, No. 189, Nanchang, Postcard: 330099, China.


This paper aims to designed a prototype for achieving the full magnetostriction of Galfenol, Lamination struction of transducer is designed and the radiation impedance is expressed in mechanical terms, a simplified onedimensional modeling of SPICE magnetostrictive transducer is established, the electrical input impedance is simulated as the function of frequency and experimentally adjusting the values is to match an existing impedance curve. a good fit between model and measurement is shown by measured and simulated electrical input impedances for the device.


Dynamic system, laminated beam, magnetostriction, transducer.