The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal

2015, 9 : 806-811
Published online 2015 October 7. DOI: 10.2174/1874155X01509010806
Publisher ID: TOMEJ-9-806

Warning of Potential Collision for Vehicles

Huang Yue , Qin Gui He , Liu Tong , Sun Ning and Wang Xiao Dan
College of Computer Science and Technology/Center for Computer Fundamental Education, Jilin University, Changchun, China.


A moving vehicle may very likely run into accidents. The occurrence rate of accidents would be largely reduced if the driver is warned in advance, even only 0.5 s earlier. For a running vehicle, the driving route within short time before collision has the characteristic of Markov. In this case, the coordinates of position only have to be considered within a short range, rather than the running status during the past long period. Within short period before collision, the driving route can be basically divided into two states: a straight line and a binomial curve. In this paper, a mechanism is proposed for sending collision warning messages to running vehicles.


Curve fitting, collision, dissemination, emergency warning, VANET.