The Open Medical Imaging Journal

2014, 8 : 1-7
Published online 2014 January 23. DOI: 10.2174/1874347101408010001
Publisher ID: TOMIJ-8-1

On the Temporal Fidelity of Nonlinear Inverse Reconstructions for Real- Time MRI – The Motion Challenge

Jens Frahm , Sebastian Schätz , Markus Untenberger , Shuo Zhang , Dirk Voit , K. Dietmar Merboldt , Jan M. Sohns , Joachim Lotz and Martin Uecker
Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH am MPI für biophysikalische Chemie, 37070 Göttingen, Germany.



To evaluate the temporal accuracy of a self-consistent nonlinear inverse reconstruction method (NLINV) for real-time MRI using highly undersampled radial gradient-echo sequences and to present an open source framework for the motion assessment of real-time MRI methods.


Serial image reconstructions by NLINV combine a joint estimation of individual frames and corresponding coil sensitivities with temporal regularization to a preceding frame. The temporal fidelity of the method was determined with a phantom consisting of water-filled tubes rotating at defined angular velocity. The conditions tested correspond to realtime cardiac MRI using SSFP contrast at 1.5 T (40 ms resolution) and T1 contrast at 3.0 T (33 ms and 18 ms resolution). In addition, the performance of a post-processing temporal median filter was evaluated.


NLINV reconstructions without temporal filtering yield accurate estimations as long as the speed of a small moving object corresponds to a spatial displacement during the acquisition of a single frame which is smaller than the object itself. Faster movements may lead to geometric distortions. For small objects moving at high velocity, a median filter may severely compromise the spatiotemporal accuracy.


NLINV reconstructions offer excellent temporal fidelity as long as the image acquisition time is short enough to adequately sample (“freeze”) the object movement. Temporal filtering should be applied with caution. The motion framework emerges as a valuable tool for the evaluation of real-time MRI methods.


Real-time MRI, Radial MRI, Iterative reconstruction.