The Open Materials Science Journal

2017, 11 : 29-37
Published online 2017 July 31. DOI: 10.2174/1874088X01711010029
Publisher ID: TOMSJ-11-29

Corrosion Behavior of Plasma Nitrided SS316L Biomaterial

Ratna Kartikasari1, * , Sutrisna1 and Ihwanul Aziz2

* Address correspondence to this author at the "Nasional" College of Technology Jl. Babarsari No. 1 Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281; E-mail:



This research aims to determine corrosion behavior of SS316L biomaterial metals after plasma nitriding process.


The plasma nitriding process on the surface of SS316L was performed at 350oC, 400oC, 450oC, 500oC, 550oC and 1.8 mbar nitrogen gas pressure for 3 hours. The surface Nitrogen concentration level distribution from the surface was examined using Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy, the phases formed after nitriding process were determined using X-ray Diffraction. The corrosion resistance was investigated using three-electrode cell polarization method.


The results showed that the percentage of nitrogen concentration atoms on the surface of the SS316L after plasma nitriding process was in range of 7.61-21.73%, in which the highest number 21.73% occurred at 500oC. Metal nitride formed on the surface of SS316L for all temperature variations are Fe4N, CrN and β-Cr2N phases were formed after nitriding process. Optimum corrosion resistance (8.21 x 10-4 mm/yr) occurs at 350oC.


Plasma nitriding, SS316L, Biomaterials, Corrosion resistance, Nitrogen, FeN.