The Open Materials Science Journal

2012, 6 : 39-43
Published online 2012 May 10. DOI: 10.2174/1874088X01206010039
Publisher ID: TOMSJ-6-39

GMI Effect of Ultra-Soft Magnetic Soft Amorphous Microwires

A. Zhukov , M. Ipatov , J. M. Blanco and V. Zhukova
IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, and Dpto. Fisica de Materiales, Fac. Quimicas, UPV/EHU, 20009 San Sebastian, Spain.


In this paper we experimentally studied GMI effect and soft magnetic behavior of Co-rich microwires. Correlation between magnetoelastic anisotropy and magnetic field dependences of diagonal and off-diagonal impedance components are observed. Low field GMI hysteresis, explained in terms of magnetoelastic anisotropy of microwires, has been suppressed by the bias current.


Amorphous wires and microwires, giant magneto-impedance, skin effect, magnetic anisotropy.